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Showing posts from April, 2014

On the fallacy of certainty

In one of my previous posts I talked about randomness and how it impacts us and basically determines why we do what we do. The opposite of randomness is certainty. And this post is on the fallacy of the idea of certainty. Certainty - mathematically speaking something can be certain only when there is a 100% probability of it happening. And if science has taught us anything, it is that nothing is 100% certain. In fact, there is a distinct non-zero probability that I will experience spontaneously combustion right now as I write this. There is a distinct probability that I will disappear right now from where I am sitting and instantaneously appear perched on the top of Mt Everest (and probably not last there for too long - again probably, not certainly). So when someone tells you he is certain of something - certain that John is going to arrive late for the meeting as usual, or certain that Chad and Marissa are not going to make it as a couple - ask him if he is certain he is going t...

Energy and the future

The world today is a in a bad shape. The resources that humans have relied on are not unlimited. We are basically destroying the planet in the name of progress and advancement. If this continues soon there will be no fish in the oceans, most of the animal species will be extinct due to destruction of their habitat, we will use up all the oil, and basically it will be all doom and gloom. In effect, our existence is actually sort of a giant Ponzi scheme. We are using up everything without replenishing. Until there is nothing left and then it will all come crashing done. Or most likely it will come crashing down much before that - when we realize just how limited these resources are. The peak oil theory is for real. Unless.. Unless, we find a cheaper energy source before that peak hits. In fact, there is just so much energy out there. There is actually an unlimited amount of energy out there. We just don't know how to harness it. Matter itself is energy. So in effect, I feel like i...


through good and bad, thick and thin, i will be by your side through all the things you would have been you will never feel tied life will fun, exciting, meaningful with you by my side you will be yourself - heart and soul you will never have to hide we’ll follow our heart, our dreams no norms can hold us back we’ll explore ideas, frontiers, realms Off the beaten track

Simple is beautiful

i like short things. i am not a big fan of the elaborate and extensive. long articles bore me. long winded people lose my attention. i look for simplicity in things. simple things are beautiful. they are elegant. simple sentences. simple ideas. simple people. the best things, the best ideas, the best people are simple. if i were to have one philosophy in life - perhaps it would be Simplicity. if a life problem has multiple solutions pick the simple one. it is usually the best one. if simple is so much better, why complicate things? its human nature to an extent. simple is too easy, and if it is too easy it must not be the best way. complicated is difficult. if we do it the complicated way it gives us a sense of achievement, of hard work, of effort. at the end of it we feel like we put in a lot into it - so it must be the best way. not necessarily. in fact, almost always never. i like to summarize things. i like to get to the bottom of things. i like to get the gist of things...